We Speak About:
In today’s episode of DTC finds, we’re looking at some great SMS templates and an awesome tool to use for saving lost revenue from returns.
Everyone knows that having a strong playbook for marketing is important for success. Instead of just trying SMS without a proven playbook, we’ll share a resource with you that can help take your SMS to the next level.
We’ll also share with you a must-use resource for returns and talk through return strategy as a way to grow your business.
Stay tuned as we dive into awesome SMS strategies and useful tool for maintaining revenue and customers.
If you’d like to learn more about Trend and our influencer marketing platform for influencers and brands visit trend.io. You can also follow us for tips on growing your following and running successful campaigns on Instagram and LinkedIn.
Mentioned Links:
SMS strategies: https://sms-templates.com/
A product to help with your returns strategy: https://www.loopreturns.com/