[DTC POD Ep. 127] - Fantastic emails and texts: Public Rec's top picks email and Hydrant's conversational texts

March 1, 2022
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  1. “SMS marketing is really about getting people to convert.” @jadesai94 #DTCPOD
  2. “By creating these conversations and providing helpful advice, it builds that stronger connection with the brand” @jadesai94 #DTCPOD

We Speak About:

  • [01:30] A great email from Public Rec
  • [02:52] The texts from Hydrant you should copy

Steal this email from Public Rec and this text from Hydrant

In today’s episode of fantastic emails and texts, we’re looking at content from Public Rec and Hydrant.

Public Rec is a leisure apparel company and Hydrant is a wellness brand company providing a balanced mix of electrolytes, minerals, and vitamins.

Public Rec sends out a great email on top picks and Hydrant sends out some great conversational text messages.

Stay tuned as we dive into that great email from Public Rec and those great text messages from Hydrant.

If you’d like to learn more about Trend and our influencer marketing platform for influencers and brands visit trend.io. You can also follow us for tips on growing your following and running successful campaigns on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Mentioned Links:

Public Rec’s great email: https://reallygoodemails.com/emails/theres-always-a-favorite

Messages from Hydrant (search for Hydrant): https://fantastictexts.com/conversational/

Episode Transcript & Castmagic Chat

John Carter - Radio Webflow Template
Ramon Berrios
Founder and CEO at Trend
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Ramon has Co-Founded Trend. It is a curated marketplace of creators and brands. We help brands source high quality custom content. We love working with new, innovative companies that are changing the game.

John Carter - Radio Webflow Template
Co-Founded Seated,COO at Omnipanel
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Blaine Bolus is the Co-Founder of OmniPanel, the first software platform connecting CX & Internal teams.OmniPanel, backed by top Silicon Valley VCs, is building software infrastructure that powers cross-functional work, in an industry projected to be a $641 Billion Market in 2022.